Jia Ning Charity

Jia Ning Charity home located in Kajang district and established more than 10 years. Up until now they already taking cares of 50++ old folks or mental illness patient. In other hand, they also supported 104 single parents family. The members of the Jia Ning charity are mainly elderly people, including three children and three people with intellectual disabilities. Although still got many elderly ask to stay, but they are not allowed to accommodate more people because of their limited size.

Jia Ning Charity also caters for more than 100 single-parent families, 70% of whom are widows and 30% of divorced women. The center provides them with spiritual and material support to empower them to raise their children. With the assistance of the center, the children of single mothers have achieved good results in their academic work. In this year, 10 children entered the local university. Two years ago, two people received scholarships from the Public Service Bureau and went to the United States for further study.

“There are lawyers, doctors and accountants in the children of single-parent families,”

Although the Jia Ning Charity has never received the assistance from the government, the center has not given up, and hopes that everything the center has done can be recognized by the society.


佳宁之家在加影落脚已有10年之久,目前佳宁之家收容了近50孤老或严重 残障人士,同时长期资助104名单亲妈妈,因此长期面对物资不足情况, 希望社会大众能给予协助。中心成员以老人家为主,也包括3名孩童及3名 智障人士,虽然常有人要求入住,但基于面积有限,无法收容更多人而一 一婉拒。

中心也照顾逾100户单亲家庭,其中70%是寡妇,30%离婚妇,中心为她 们提供精神与物质上的支柱,让她们有能力将孩子抚养长大。 在中心的关注与协助下,单亲妈妈的孩子们在课业方面取得好成绩,今年 有10名孩子进入本地大学,2年前有2人获得公共服务局奖学金,到美国深造。




PAWS (Paws Animal Welfare Society) was founded in 1987 by a small group of local and expatriate volunteers. Through their generosity and imagination, PAWS was constructed on a patch of land on the Subang Airport Road. This distinct group of sheds and a courtyard still stands today and currently homes around 400-500 cats and dogs.

Our organization depends entirely on the generosity of the public through donations or proceeds from charitable events organized and run by volunteers.
We are inviting you to help PAWS continue to change the lives of suffering and neglected animals as our volunteer. Without you they do not have a chance. Be secure in knowing that you’ve treated your fellow animals on earth as best as you possibly can.

PAWS 建立于1987 年, 创始人是一群有理念以及致力于拯救流浪动物的一群人。透过他们的理念以及无私的奉献,PAWS 得以建立在梳邦机场路。目前收容所已经收养了400-500只流浪猫狗。目前PAWS经济来源都是属于大众的慷慨捐助或者义工们所举办的慈善活动等等。

House Of Joy

HOUSE OF JOY is a social concern and nonprofit charity that administers shelter, care and training for orphans, children & teens that are underprivileged, delinquent and weak. Children who have formerly suffered abuse, neglect, children who are helpless & poor. Besides children’s homes, it also provides shelter and care for elderly people who have become destitute, mental illness and weak and young adults who are mentally weak and slow in learning.

There are 8 residential homes (Children & Old Folks) & 5 training Centers (Academy, Home School, TSR Programs)

All supports and contributions are from Individuals, Churches, Companies and NGO Monthly Expenses: RM 50,000.00 – RM 60,000-00 We sincerely appeal to you / company / organization and the community to lend a helping hand in substantial support.


喜乐之家 是一个社会关怀中心,收容的孩子是来自不同的家庭背景,如被虐待家庭,单亲家庭,边缘少年,被父母遗弃遭冷落,家庭贫苦无能力照顾等背景。我们是帮助孩童青少年继续他们的学业,锻炼心智态度,训练技能或是提供就业机会。


由于中心的收容人数不断增加,需要不断以筹款的方式来维持各方面的费用和发展。每月开支5万至6万令吉之间。我们真诚地呼吁您 / 公司 / 机构及社会人士,一起伸出援手在实质上的支持, 欢迎您成为我们的支持伙伴,在经费赞助,环境设备,教育,人力资源及就业机会上的大力支持我们。

Le Shan Charity


They are now adopted 40 underprivileged people, age between 7~46 years old. They are mostly from the poor or single parent families; and we committed to our mission of helping people, thus we provide free accommodation, food, medical, education, etc…

They train them to be independent, so most of them now have self-care ability. The staffs said that these children were not bring them trouble, even will help to do some simple tasks, such as cleaning up mattresses, chairs, and used dining sets. They also hire a permanent teacher. The teacher will teach according to the characteristics of each child, so that can exert his/her potential. We sincerely appeal to you / company / organization and the community to lend a helping hand in substantial support.



乐善儿童残障福利利中心位于Kajang Taman Rakan。目前中心总共收留40名来之7~46岁的残障儿童与人士。这些孩子多数来自贫困或单亲家庭, 中心本着助人的宗旨,所以完全免费提供住宿、食物、医药和教育等等。

他们也训练孩子自立,所以多数的孩子都拥有自理能力。这些孩子并不会带给他们麻烦, 有些孩子甚至会帮忙他们做 一些简单的工作,例例如收拾床垫、椅子和用过的饭盒。

他们亦聘请固定的老师来教学,老师会按照每个小孩的特质来进行教学, 使孩子能发挥最大的潜能。我们真诚地呼吁您 / 公司 / 机构及社会人士,一起伸出援手在实质上的支持。